Extract from 'What Remains' a dual timeline novel

'What Remains' is a dual timeline Historical Fiction that circles events in Ancient Rome and culminating in the eruption of Vesuvius in AD79 and also in Ukraine in the modern day. In the following extract, see how I have embedded research into the revised date of the eruption (see post History Mystery) for more details. đ The morning, which had started chill enough for Thalia to have hovered over the small glowing brazier, had turned warm. The cloak she had draped about Aglaea had long since been discarded and, along with her own, was bunched over Charis’s left arm. Hooked over the girl’s skinny right arm was the basket filled with their morning purchases. The cooler weather had heralded the return of the seasonal holidaymakers, who descended on the seaside town in droves for the cooler climate and breezes during the hottest months of summer. Well did Thalia recall the sweltering season when all who owned or could rent villas on the coast left Rome en mass...